Dynamic model based on experimental investigations of a wood pellet steam engine micro CHP for building energy simulation
A wood pellet micro combined heat and power device (μCHP) has been tested in order to characterize its performances in steady and transient states. A dynamic model based on these experimental investigations has been developed in order to predict its energy performances and its pollutant emissions. The model is designed with a few parameters experimentally accessible. This model has been implemented in TRNSYS numerical environment. This work focuses on the experimental investigations and on the model description. The modelling approach is based on a physical part (an energy balance on the entire device and a combustion model), and on an empirical part (correlations for the fuel power input and for the thermal and electrical outputs). The model characterizes the μCHP behaviour for different part load ratios (PLR) (power modulation). The dynamic phases with start-up and cooling phases are also taken into account.