Towards a better understanding of clogged steam generators: a sensitivity analysis of dynamic themohydraulic model output
Tube support plate clogging of steam generators affects their operating and requires frequent maintenance operations. A diagnosis method based on dynamic behaviour analysis is under development at EDF to provide means of optimisation of maintenance strategies. Previous work showed that the dynamic response to a power transient of the wide range level measurement contains informations about the clogging state of steam generators. The diagnosis method consists of comparisons of the measured dynamic response with simulations on a mono-dimensional dynamic steam generator model for various input clogging configurations. In order to assess the potential of this method, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted through a quasi-Monte Carlo scheme to compute sensitivity indices for each half tube support plate's clogging ratio. Sensitivity indices are usually defined for scalar model outputs. Principal component analysis has been used to determine a small subset of variables that condense the information about the shape of the response curves. Finally, estimation variability was assessed by construction of bootstrap confidence intervals. The results showed that half of the preselected input variables have negligible influence and allowed to rank the most important ones. Interactions of input variables have been estimated to exert only a small influence on the output. The effects of clogging on the steam generator dynamics has been characterised qualitatively and quantitatively.