Crystallization of polypropylene in the presence of biomass-based fillers of different compositions
Natural fillers composed of cellulose, lignin and fillers with a varying lignin/cellulose ratio (flax, jute, curauà fibers and miscanthus stem fragments) were used to prepare composites with polypropylene using the same procedure, with or without a maleic anhydride–grafted polypropylene (MA-g-PP) coupling agent. A clear acceleration of the crystallization kinetics was observed in the presence of miscanthus stem fragments. For non-coupled composites, the size and aspect ratio of fragments had no significant influence onto the crystallization kinetics of polypropylene. The presence of the MA-g-PP coupling agent increased even more the kinetics. A clear effect of the nature of the polymers present in the filler was observed. There is a direct relationship between the values of the Avrami kinetic constant k for the six fillers and their lignin content, the more effective to enhance crystallization kinetics being pure cellulose. Lignin has no effect onto the crystallization kinetics of polypropylene.