UV-France. Measurement of individual and population exposure to ultraviolet radiation based on data from meteorological satellites
The project aims to quantify the spectrum of ultraviolet exposure in the various regions of France and its effects on the incidence of skin cancers and of other cancers possibly influenced by sun exposure (e.g. non-hodgkin lymphomas) and on the incidence of eye conditions likely influenced by exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (cataract, age-linked macular degenerescence). By monitoring regional changes it would be possible to predict changes in health impact. UV-FRANCE will provide the first quantification of individual UV exposure of different age and gender population categories, and identify time trends. UV-FRANCE will provide indicators of exposure to the various fractions of the UV radiation, and use past UV exposure experience to predict global burden in future years (non-melanoma skin cancers, melanoma, cataract). By developing a sustainable monitoring of changes in UV exposure dose, likely changes in disease occurrence should be able to be predicted.